Tuesday, November 13, 2012

You Can't Make Me[But I Can Be Persuaded] Book Review

I have often seen parents with children that were in the middle of a melt down and thought to myself. "Why cant that parent keep their child in line?" That was until my little girl became the same strong-willed child.

It feels like I have tried everything and nothing seems to work. My husband would always say she is acting that way on purpose and I just blew him off thinking, its just the age and she will grow out of it.

A few weeks ago I had a new baby and the behavior intensified, leading me to search for any source that could help me keep my sanity. That is when I came across the book You Can't Make Me[But I can Be Persuaded].  It helped to know that the Author Cynthia Ulrich Tobias had experience with the same situations as I have. And unlike some parenting books I never felt Judged but comforted in the knowledge that I am not the only one, and I am not a bad parent.

This book honestly opened my eyes to the fact that I too had been a strong-willed child. And remembering those behaviors in myself while putting the useful suggestions into practice really helped. The ideas seem so common sense now but it took reading this book and seeing the examples that fit my life to really open my eyes to how I was approaching my daughter in the wrong ways and how simple changes in my tone and questions I ask her can really make a big difference in how she responds, after all she really never HAS to do what I tell her. She has to chose too. Honestly,  Read Chapter One
and you will be hooked. You can also check out her other books at the Author's Web Site

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a smart book to look at. Thanks for your thoughts and the review. :O)
